CNC Machining Blog - Tips and Tricks for Machinists

Welcome to the Hurco CNC machine tool blog. Subscribe for weekly posts on high-speed and 5-axis machining, workholding, the latest control technologies, plus Hurco tips-and-tricks…just to name a few.

Modulation Assisted Machining: Drill Deep Holes In Half the Time

Mike Cope Thu, Apr 18, 2013
Modulation Assisted Machining: Drill Deep Holes In Half the Time

It is possible to drill very deep holes, even small diameter holes, without the need for pecking cycles and in half the cycle time thanks to some really cool science that goes way over my head. Although this technology doesn’t apply solely to hole drilling, it seems to be the area with the biggest impact.

5-Axis Buzz Words: learn the lingo

Mike Cope Mon, Apr 15, 2013
5-Axis Buzz Words: learn the lingo

Just like any other form of technology within our industry, 5-axis manufacturing has its very own vocabulary and list of technical buzz words. Although many of the features described below can be viewed as common, some are only found on the more advanced machine controls. For anyone looking into 5-axis machining, understanding these buzz words can be a huge benefit - and just might keep them from making an uneducated decision that they might live to regret later on.

Best CNC Control for NC Programming: Hurco

Mike Cope Tue, Apr 02, 2013
Best CNC Control for NC Programming: Hurco

A common misconception about the Hurco control is that it is a conversational control. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Although Hurco invented conversational programming, and arguably has the most powerful conversationally capable platform on the market, I would not refer to the WinMax® control as a “conversational” one. I would instead call it “multi-lingual."

Choosing Your Toolpath Strategy for 5-Axis Machining

Mike Cope Fri, Mar 22, 2013
Choosing Your Toolpath Strategy for 5-Axis Machining

CAM systems have a diverse selection of toolpath strategies to choose from, and each has an appropriate place in 5-axis machining. But just like everything else in multi-axis programming, the programmer's experience and the actual machine configuration will play a big part in the selection of the suitable toolpath for a particular application.

5-Axis Programming: Understanding tool axis and collision controls

Mike Cope Mon, Mar 18, 2013
5-Axis Programming: Understanding tool axis and collision controls

If you asked 10 different 5-axis programmers to program the same single part, you would most likely get 10 different machining strategies. Depending on experience, machine configuration, CAM software, tooling, workholding, and a myriad of other criteria, everyone sees the path they need to travel just a little bit differently. But they all lead to the same place: a successfully completed part. This article will be part one in a multi-part series about 5-axis programming. 

Rotary Broach: How to drill a square hole

Mike Cope Fri, Mar 08, 2013
Rotary Broach: How to drill a square hole

Is it possible to drill a square hole? Many will snicker at this age-old question and say, “Of course you can’t drill a square hole!” Well, it turns out you most certainly can drill a square hole… and a rectangular hole, and a hexagon shaped hole, a hole with splines, double keyways the list goes on and on!

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